Travel & Adventure Books

Books to inspire, inform and empower people to get outside amongst nature, begin a new adventure, and experience what it is that we are all about here at Biome.

There is no better way to gain an appreciation and genuine love for the planet than to throw yourself headfirst into the wilderness and take it all in. If you are lacking inspiration, have a look through our range of Travel & Adventure books. An adventure book is one of the best places to start planning your next trip, as they can help you to define what it is you are looking for on your journey. Challenge the perception you have of yourself and seek the unknown!

To equip yourself for your next adventure, view our ever-growing Outdoors & Travel range and find a refreshing collection of unique eco-friendly camping & hiking supplies that will make the wild feel like home.

To read about Danica Ratte's journey to sustainability, click here.

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